Monday, March 31, 2008

A Trip to the Middle East

Food from Israel/Jordan. Some of it not Middle Eastern at all, but still fun.
-Our appetizers in Tiberius.
-The main course. I didn't get St. Peter's fish because they said this was better.

-Our falafels in Poriya.

-Shawarma from the Old City.

-Heather's delectable strawberry/ice cream/dried fruit dessert.

-A Hebrew McDonald's.

-A St. Peter's Fish on the Sea of Galilee in Tabkha.

-Citrus in Jericho.

-Eggplant...and some other good stuff.

-My pasta.

-And Heather's.

-Cotton Merchant's Market in the Old City.

-Cappuccino and Mint Tea in Tel Aviv on the beach.

-Pancakes and Pears.

-French Toast with Strawberries and Figs.

-Kuftah (meat with onion, garlic, parsley and tomatoes) in Wadi Musa, Jordan.

-Spices in Akko.
-Sweets in Akko.

-Shrimp in Akko.
-Fish in Akko.

-Cappuccino and Austrian desserts in the Old City on Palm Sunday.