Saturday, January 3, 2009

Dutch Baby

-After two years after being introduced this wonderful food, I finally tried to make it and succeeded! A lovely little pancake/popover, supposedly from Germany (Deutsch?)...a Dutch Baby.
-Traditionally served with lemon juice and powdered sugar (definately my way to eat it), but with others things like fruit.

Greek to Bring in the New Year

A group of us went to Top of the Greeks restaurant for New Years Eve (ehem, voted 2nd best Greek restaurant in the state. Considering Greektown, that's pretty good!). Not all my food, but a collective effort! It was a special menu for the evening.

-Spicy hummus.
-Parmesan encrusted brie with fruit.

-Sirloin with Greek potatoes.

-Lamb shank with vegetables.
-Pork medallions with Greek potatoes (and apples).
-Chicken artichoke pasta with aspargas.

From Canada to the Cape to Conklin

A quick trip to the Canadian Maritimes!
-Well, can you go wrong with diner fish n' chips in Summerside, PEI?

-More fish in PEI (harder to get it un-fried!).
-Fish and poutin in NB on the Bay of Fundy
-And a lobster (lob-stah) roll.
-Some lovely beef barely soup in Sandwich, MA.
-And the Thanksgiving spread in Conklin!